反応拡散系やセルオートマトンで生成したテクスチャを初期条件に地形をつくるというのをここ最近試してるのもあって、このNic Hamlitonの新作は飛び抜けてエモかった。彼の作品にはいつも独特の異化のエッセンスが宿っている。3DCG系に多い男子的カッコ良さとも、インターネット感とも距離を置いた硬質でニヒルな佇まいというか。Joe HamiltonやJonathan Zawadaにしろ、オーストラリアにはそういう空気感を醸成する何かがあるのかなぁと思ったり。
3DCGにおけるフォトリアリズムや、ジェネレーティブな手法に期待される小賢さとフューチャーテクノロジー賛歌、広告映像にある種の安定感をもたらすトンマナだとかも、かれこれ3年位しんどい。そういった作法を無意識のうちに公理化せずアティテュードとして場違いなものを提示してしまう人の作品にしか惹かれない感覚すらある。(Nic Hamiltonはこの場合あまり関係ない、ただの自分の好み)
generative designと解像度
generative designと解像度 by 山本晃士ロバート
May 26, 2018
Apr 27, 2018
十代の頃、モーショングラフィックスで初めて自覚的に好きだと感じた映像がSTARDUSTのWinXPのCMだったと思う。当然LoganのiPodのCMも好きだったけれど、一方でonesizeのただ単にデジデジしていない独特なグリッチやアナログエフェクトの使い方も凄く研究していた。1stAveMachineのAaron Duffy感のあるトンチの効いた広告映像や時々作る意図の全く読めない謎CGも両方好みだったっけか。
GUMNKを始めとしたFUIや、ロボやメカニック、国内のFlash系MGシーンはあまり自分のバックグラウンドに無かった。だからCG齧ってる男の子なら当然そういうフェチはあるよね? という業界の無意識の前提が個人的にしんどくて。最近作ったモーションが、珍しくそういう種類のストレスもなく、この数年の興味や空気感の好みがカッチリ噛み合った感覚があって楽しかった。
なにかを動かす時、操作する物理量が何回微分されたものか — 具体的には位置/速度/加速度のどれをアニメーションさせるのかによって「動かし方」を分類できるのではないかとこの数年考えています。
07/06/2018 追記
Jul 19, 2017
汎用ツールの使い方に意識的に制約を導入することで一貫性をもたらすというより、楽器の形や可能な運指がその楽器で奏でることのできる旋律や和声に一定の法則性を与えるように、ツール自体の特性を変えることで手癖を変化させられたら良いなぁ という気持ち
Not Moving Sofa Problem
This piece visualizes “the moving sofa problem” as a kinetic sculpture. The “sofa” moves through the L-shaped corridor forward and backward repeatedly.
I mainly used Cinema4D and Python to calculate and design this piece. Cutting all parts with a laser cutter, sanding its surface for three days.
Aesthetic Coherence
Admittedly, the natural of computation has always inspired me and it’s much more than an enabler, but it can be neither subject nor motif of my work. Programming would unleash us the limitation of commoditized software just like Adobe. On the other hand, it imposes us another limitation of graphical expression at the same time and tends to distract us from aesthetic improvement.
It’s much less than just an idea to think about only which technology and devices to use and what concept to argue. It’s not important compared to its look, feels, and atmosphere, after all. In other words, the technology and concept behind it could be important for viewers only if the work has aesthetic coherence and beauty.
Art is not topology. Some of planners or media artists tend to focus on connecting context and context, tech and tech, buzzword and buzzword too much but this only means constructing its topological structure. I think art is continuum and the feeling of material of the nodes and branches themselves.
I’m so bored about the context of ‘art & tech’ but I think artists arguing such a statement should do R&D in term of both technological and aesthetic aspects simultaneously, so to speak. The art produced by who distinguishes tech development and artistic depiction feels like just a stylish demo of cutting-edge technology.
Capture from Please Say Something by David O’Reilly
Here’s one of texts I’ve deeply been impressed ever. It describes very important notion not only for CG animators but also for new media artists.
Admittedly, the natural of computation has always inspired me and it’s much more than an enabler, but it can be neither subject nor motif of my work. Programming would unleash us the limitation of commoditized software just like Adobe. On the other hand, it imposes us another limitation of graphical expression at the same time and tends to distract us from aesthetic improvement.
It’s much less than just an idea to think about only which technology and devices to use and what concept to argue. It’s not important compared to its look, feels, and atmosphere, after all. In other words, the technology and concept behind it could be important for viewers only if the work has aesthetic coherence and beauty.
Art is not topology. Some of planners or media artists tend to focus on connecting context and context, tech and tech, buzzword and buzzword too much but this only means constructing its topological structure. I think art is continuum and the feeling of material of the nodes and branches themselves.
I’m so bored about the context of ‘art & tech’ but I think artists arguing such a statement should do R&D in term of both technological and aesthetic aspects simultaneously, so to speak. The art produced by who distinguishes tech development and artistic depiction feels like just a stylish demo of cutting-edge technology.
Capture from Please Say Something by David O’Reilly
Here’s one of texts I’ve deeply been impressed ever. It describes very important notion not only for CG animators but also for new media artists.
Nov 16, 2016
As making both of generative stuff and videos using keyframe-based animation, I become not able to distinguish what can be ‘generative’.
I’ve heard the news that the poem written by AI. But it was actually modified by human and the part of AI remained only 30%. I was so confused about the evidence why they can argue such a statement. The cut-up technique is much more generative, isn’t it? Even though it is irrelevant from digital technology.
I’m still wondering whether is it allowed for generative art to modify the output of a program by hand. How far can artists interfere the generative process intentionally to keep their work called as a generative art.
I’ve often deployed very laborious ways for my works. I’d composited more than 5000 street view images with stop-motion footages frame by frame. I also made clay-animation with my friends. But since I’ve used programming and Kinect to make in-house tools, shooting system or custom visual effects, some of reporters introduced me as the artist who’s trying to integrate technology and art and has made his artwork by programming. On each time I’ve wanted to say “No, it’s not automatically generated indeed but mostly made by my hand!”. My only concern is how to improve my works, even if it can be a cheat in usual generative manner.
From my standpoint, the only difference between things called ‘generative’ and others is whether it is created using programming or commoditized tools. Suppose there’s a video that bunch of beautiful particles is flowing. If it is made by After Effects using Particular, the popular plugin for particle simulation, I assume it won’t be called a generative art. But if was a screen capture of openFrameworks sketch, most people will regard it as generative one.
As I’ve described, I think generative art is mostly context-dependent. The term is not mentioning its art style. Anyway, my concern is the possibilities that to try to make it generative might distract artists from improving their arts. Sometimes it’s better to make mesh and textures using Cinema4D and Photoshop rather than to use built-in primitives of OpenGL. When it comes to post-effects, it can be much cooler to use a real film grain footage than shader noise. Although that is so niche topic, I’d like to write down my thought and tips for generative arts as like ‘The Book of Shader’.